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b Pharmacy Lab Equipment manufacturer Supplier in odisha

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b Pharmacy Lab Equipment manufacturer Supplier in odisha

Price: ₹450,000.00

b Pharmacy Lab Equipment manufacturer Supplier in odisha

Department wise List of Minimum equipments required for D. Pharm  PHARMACEUTICS  Sl. Name Minimum PRICE Working Remarks of the No.   required Nos.   Yes / No Inspectors 1 Continuous Hot Extraction Equipment 05 1690     2 Conical Percolator 05 422                 3 Tincture Press 01 1820     4 Hand Grinding Mill 01 1040     5 Disintegrator 01 9100                 6 Ball mill 01 4420     7 Hand operated Tablet machine 01 18200     8 Tablet Coating Pan unit with hot air blower 01 7800       laboratory size         9 Polishing pan laboratory size 01 1820     10 Monsanto’s hardness tester 01 800                 11 Pfizer type hardness tester 01 2400     12 Tablet disintegration test apparatus IP 01 4200     13 Tablet dissolution test apparatus IP 01 5200                 14 Granulating sieve set 10 360                 15 Tablet counter – small size 05 430     16 Friability tester 01 4160     17 Collapsible tube – Filling and sealing equipment 01 4160                 18 Capsule filling machine – Lab size 01 18200     19 Digital balance 01 450     20 Distillation unit for distilled water 02 3000     21 Deionisation unit 01 12350                 22 Glass distillation unit for water for injection 01 5500     23 Ampoule washing machine 01 1850     24 Ampoule filling and sealing machine 01 4420                 25 Sintered glass filters for bacterial proof filtration Adequate 250       (four different grades)                     26 Millipore filter (3 grades) Adequate 3000                     Signature of the Head of the Institution Signature of the Inspectors   17   27 Autoclave 01 4000                 28 Hot air sterilizer 01 3700     29 Incubator 01 2800     30 Aseptic cabinet 01 4500     31 Ampoule clarity test equipment 01 1800                 32 Blender 01 1100     33 Sieves set (Pharmacopoeial  standard) 02 350     34 Lab Centrifuge 01 1100                 35 Ointment slab Adequate 90     36 Ointment spatula Adequate 15     37 Pestle and mortar porcelain Adequate 60     38 Pestle and mortar glass Adequate 160                 39 Suppository moulds of three sizes Adequate 800     40 Refrigerator 01         NOTE: Adequate numbers of glassware commonly used in the laboratory should be provided in each laboratory and the department.     PHARMACEUTICAL  CHEMISTRY   Equipment:   Sl. No. Name Minimum Available Nos. Working Remarks of the     required Nos.   Yes / No Inspectors 1 Refractometer 01 1000                 2 Polarimeter 01 2800     3 Photoelectric colorimeter 01 2600     4 pH meter 01 2200                 5 Atomic model set 02 1400     6 Electronic balance 01 900     7 Periodic table chart Adequate 190       NOTE: Adequate numbers of glassware commonly used in the laboratory should be pr ovided in each laboratory and the department.           Signature of the Head of the Institution                                                                           Signature of the Inspectors   18   PHYSIOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY  LABORATORY   Equipment: Sl No. Name Minimum Available Nos. Working Remarks of the     required Nos.   Yes / No Inspectors 1 Haemoglobinometer 20 120     2 Haemocytometer 10 422     3 Student’s organ bath 1 1560     4 Sherington’s rotating drum 1                   5 Frog board Adequate 156     6 Tray (dissecting) Adequate 280     7 Frontal writing lever Adequate 70                 8 Aeration tube Adequate       9 Telethermometer 1 4160     10 Pole climbing apparatus 1 9500     11 Histamine chamber 1 3380                 12 Simple lever Adequate 234     13 Staring heart lever Adequate 234     14 Aerator Adequate 270                 15 Histological Slides Adequate 300     16 Sphygmomanometer (B.P. apparatus) 5 550     17 Stethoscope 5 120     18 First aid equipment Adequate 190                 19 Contraceptive device Adequate       20 Dissecting (surgical) instruments Adequate 190     21 Balance for weighing small Animals 1 900                 22 Kymograph paper Adequate 980                 23 Actophotometer 1 5200     24 Analgesiometer 1 5200     25 Thermometer Adequate 35                 26 Plastic animal cage Adequate 550     27 Double unit organ bath with thermostat 1 3200     28 Refrigerator 1       29 Single pan balance 1 12000                 30 Charts Adequate 200                   Signature of the Head of the Institution   Signature of the Inspectors       19   31 Human skeleton 1 750                 32 Anatomical specimen 1 set         (Heart, brain, eye, ear, reproductive system etc.,)   430                 33 Electro-convulsiometer 1 5400     34 Stop watch Adequate 160     35 Clamp, boss heads, screw clips Adequate 220     36 Syme’s Cannula Adequate 50                 NOTE: Adequate numbers of glassware commonly used in the laboratory should be provided in each laboratory and the department.   PHARMCOGNOSY  LABORATORY         Equipment:         Sl No. Name Minimum Available Nos. Working Remarks of the     required Nos.   Yes / No Inspectors 1 Projection Microscope 01 4000                 2 Charts (different types) Adequate 280     3 Models (different types) Adequate 500     4 Permanent Slides Adequate 45                 5 Slides and Cover Slips Adequate 50                 NOTE: Adequate numbers of glassware commonly used in the laboratory should be provided in each laboratory and the department.   PHARMACY PRACTICE LABORATORY   Equipment:   Sl No. Name Minimum Available Nos. Working Remarks of the     required Nos.   Yes / No Inspectors 1 Colorimeter 2 2400     2 Microscope Adequate 1400     3 Permanent slides (skin, kidney, pancreas, Adequate         smooth muscle, liver etc.,)   50     4 Watch glass Adequate 17     5 Centrifuge 1 1200                 6 Biochemical reagents for analysis of normal Adequate         and pathological constituents in urine and blood           facilities         7 Filtration equipment 2 1600                     Signature of the Head of the Institution Signature of the Inspectors   20   8 Filling Machine 1 9100                 9 Sealing Machine 1 11700     10 Autoclave sterilizer 1 4000     11 Membrane filter 1 Unit 1600     12 Sintered glass funnel with complete filtering Adequate 1600       assemble         13 Small disposable membrane filter for IV Adequate 5200       admixture filtration         14 Laminar air flow bench 1 21000                 15 Vacuum pump 1 3500     16 Oven 1 2800     17 Surgical dressing Adequate       18 Incubator 1 2800                 19 PH meter 1 2200     20 Disintegration test apparatus 1 4420     21 Hardness tester 1 800           1200     22 Centrifuge 1 1200     23 Magnetic stirrer 1 1250     24 Thermostatic bath 1 2250     budget - 2 lac to 30 lac   FOR ORDER CALL US  LABORATORY DEAL INC Monday to Friday 10 am to 4pm   WhatsApp +91 8708417194  Toll-Free-Number : 9034101997   Sales Dept : Information : PRICE MENTION 60 ITEMS ***  

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