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D pharmacy lab equipment new list 2024

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D pharmacy lab equipment new list 2024

Price: ₹650,000.00

D pharmacy lab equipment new list 2024

D pharmacy lab equipment new list 2024 If you're in the market for premium pharmacy lab equipment, then our 2024 lineup is just the thing! Our comprehensive range of products are all composed from the highest quality tools and materials, so you can be sure your lab is set up with the resources it needs. Plus, our friendly customer service team is always on hand for any inquiries. S.N. Name Of Equipment Qty. Brand Name BRAND  LOCAL  1 Magnetic stirrer 500ml & 1 ltr capacity 3 LABPRO 1900 1600 2 Autoclave 3 LABPRO 6500 4000 3 Vaccume pump 6 LABPRO 4000 3500 4 Ampoules washing machine 1 LABPRO 4500 3800 5 hardness tester 3 LABPRO 900 800 6 tablet disintegration apparatus 1 LABPRO 12000 4000 7 Friability test appratus 1 LABPRO 5600 4000 8 Clarity test apparatus 1 LABPRO 2400 1900 9 Digital ph meter 7 LABPRO 3600 2200 10 Bulk density 1 LABPRO 5600 4000 11 Hot plate 16 LABPRO 1800 650 12 Humidity chamber 1 LABPRO 22000 14500 13 Tray dryer 1 LABPRO 32000 12500 14 Moister balance 2 LABPRO 12500 12500 15 Homoginizer 4 LABPRO 3200 2400 16 Digital balance 4 LABPRO 2200 450 17 Microscope 38 LABPRO 2100 1450 18 Stage and eye piece micrometer 26 LABPRO 350 350 19 Machenical stirrer 8 LABPRO 3200 2200 20 Suppository mold 17 LABPRO 760 500 21 Ultra sonicator 4 LABPRO 12300 8500 22 Sterility tester 1 LABPRO 4500 1600 23 Hot air oven 7 LABPRO 8500 3500 24 Tablet disollution test apparatus 1 LABPRO 12500 5000 25 Mortar and pestle 33 LABPRO 45 45 26 Mili pore filter  1 LABPRO 4500 1600 27 Vaccume disitillator 25 LABPRO 900 900 28 Desicator 3 LABPRO 650 650 29 Refrigerator 2 LABPRO 15000 15000 30 Tincher press 1 LABPRO 2300 2300 31 Centrifuge 3 LABPRO 8500 1250 32 Micropipette single and multi channeled 4 LABPRO 5400 5400 33 Refractometer  1 LABPRO 1400 1200 34 Photoelectric colorimeter 1 LABPRO 2400 2200 35 atomic model set 1 LABPRO 400 350 36 periodic table chart 9 LABPRO 450 250 37 Oven 5 LABPRO 8500 3500 38 Analytical balnce 1 LABPRO 7500 900 39 Suction pump 5 LABPRO 4000 3500 40 Muffle furnance 2 LABPRO 9500 7500 41 Flame photometer 1 LABPRO 16500 15400 42 Biochemistry analyzer 1 LABPRO 75000 75000 43 HPLC 1 LABPRO     44 Digital balance 10 mg sesitivity 5 LABPRO 5600 900 45 Magnetic stirres with tharmostat 9 LABPRO 1900 1600 46 Microwave oven 2 LABPRO 8500 8500 47 Distillation unit 1 LABPRO 8500 3500 48 Aresenic limit test apparatus 15 LABPRO 240 240 49 Nesslers cylinder  40 LABPRO 80 80 50 Reflux flask and condenser single necked 15 LABPRO 450 450 51 Electronic water bath (12 hole) 5 LABPRO 4500 2800 52 Copper water bath 15 LABPRO 350 300 53 Colorimeter 2 LABPRO 2600 2400 54 Flourimeter 1 LABPRO 35000 26000 55 Digital balnce 1 mg sensitivity 1 LABPRO 8500 6500 56 Nephelo turbidity meter 1 LABPRO 5600 3500 57 Potentiometer 1 LABPRO 3600 3200 58 Conductivity meter 1 LABPRO 3600 2800 59 Deep freezer 1 LABPRO 45000 32000 60 Haemocytometer with Micropipette 9 LABPRO 560 560 61 sahils haemocytometer 10 LABPRO 450 120 62 Spygmomometer 5 LABPRO 2500 560 63 Mercury thermometer 2 LABPRO 30 30 64 Cell analyzer 1 LABPRO     65 Muscle electrodes 1 LABPRO 300 260 66 pregnancy diagnosis kit- 1 LABPRO     67 Digital gulucimeter 1 LABPRO 560 560 68 Folin wu tubes 60 LABPRO 120 120 69 Hypodermic syringes& needles size 15,24,26 G 20 LABPRO     70 Dissecting microscope 26 LABPRO 650 450 71 Compound microscope 21 LABPRO 2100 1500 72 projection microscope 1 LABPRO 4500 4500 73 Refrigerator 1 LABPRO 16000 16000 74 Sterility testing unit 1 LABPRO 28000 25600 75 Rotary shaker 1 LABPRO 14500 9000 76 Binocular microscope 1 LABPRO 9000 5500 77 Polarozed microscope 1 LABPRO 35000 32000 78 Electronic digital microscope 2 LABPRO 32000 25000 79 Camra lucida 18 LABPRO 860 860 80 Eye piece micrometer 16 LABPRO 350 350 81 stage micrometer 20 LABPRO 350 350 82 heating mantle 2 LABPRO 900 900 83 Micropipette single and multi channeled 2 LABPRO 5400 5400 84 Micro centrifuge 1 LABPRO 32000 1900 85 Electric water bath 4 LABPRO 2800 2200 86 mixer grinder 2 LABPRO 900 900 87 Uv cabinet 2 LABPRO 3200 2600 88 Permanent slide 20 LABPRO 60 60 89 Autoclave strilizer 1 LABPRO 6500 4000 90 Glucometer 1 LABPRO 560 560 91 Blood pressure apparatus and stethoscope 10 LABPRO 1500 760 92 Clinicle thermometer 10 LABPRO 70 70 93 Sintered glass funnel with complete filtering assemble 1 LABPRO 1600 1600 94 Atomic absorbtion and emmission spectrophotometer 1 LABPRO 550000 NO 95 Reflux flask and condenser double and triple necked 15 LABPRO 450 450 1215645 472335

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