Department of Microbiology
Department of Microbiology
SR. No. | ITEMS | QTY. |
1 | Anaerobic Jar | 2 |
2 | Autoclave | 6 |
3 | Air conditioner | 1 |
4 | Colorimeter | 5 |
5 | Centrifuge Remi R4C | 1 |
6 | Centrifuge Remi -12C | 1 |
7 | Refrigerated high speed centrifuge | 2 |
8 | Gerber's centrifuge | 1 |
9 | Cyclomixer CM 101 GWCM -833 | 4 |
10 | Dark field Microscope ( indigenous) | 1 |
11 | Deep fridge (Remi) | 1 |
12 | Deep fridge ( Cryo ) | 1 |
13 | Disecting Microscope(Labin) | 1 |
14 | Distillation unit | 2 |
15 | Electronic balance | 7 |
16 | Electrophoresis unit | 5 |
17 | Heating mantle | 2 |
18 | Hot air oven | 3 |
19 | Incubator | 6 |
20 | Laminar air flow | 3 |
21 | Magnetic stirrer with hot plateGWMS-2072 | 2 |
22 | Double Distillation unit Borosilicate glass electrical l heating | 2 |
23 | Membrane filter assembly | 6 |
24 | Microscope (Compound) | 40 |
25 | Micro.(Binocular with illuminator) | 7 |
26 | Micro pipettes | 17 |
27 | Over head projector | 2 |
28 | Peristaitic Pump ENPD -100 Optima foot rest | 1 |
29 | Projection Microscope(PSM -36) | 1 |
30 | pH meter (Equiptronics +Labin) | 3 |
31 | Power pack for electrophoresis | 4 |
32 | Refrigerator | 9 |
33 | Rotary shaker | 1 |
34 | Shaker incubator (orbital ) | 3 |
35 | Spectrophotometer UV 2100 | 2 |
36 | U.V. inoculation hood | 1 |
37 | U.V. Transilluminator | 1 |
38 | U.V. portable (superfit) | 1 |
39 | Vacuum pump ( AV-45) | 2 |
40 | Voltage stabilizer | 5 |
41 | Water bath | 5 |
42 | Shaker Water bath (YORCO) | 1 |
43 | PCR (thermal cycler) | 1 |
43 (a) | Minispin (along with PCR) | 1 |
43( b) | UV Table Transilluminator (along with PCR) | 1 |
43 © | Pipette 0.5-10ul (along with PCR) | 1 |
43 (d) | Pipette 10-100ul (along with PCR) | 1 |
43 (e) | Electrophoresis unit (along with PCR) | 1 |
44 | UPS | 1 |
45 | LCD | 1 |
46 | Rotary Vacuum evaporator (Superfit) | 1 |
47 | Microwave (LG)8047 ARH +Starter kit | 1 |
48 | Multichannel pipette | 1 |
no of lab: 3 |