Bod Incubator Digital Temperature Controller cum PID controller
Bod Incubator Digital Temperature Controller cum PID controller Bod Incubator Digital Temperature   Special PriceGet extra ₹ 30 off (price inclusive of discount) Bank Offer 0% Instant Discount* with HDFC Bank Debit and Credit Cards PhonePe Offer 0% Cashback* on...
INR 2,800.00 INR 1,534.00
10 Best Bod Incubator in 2024 | Lowest Price Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
Bod Incubator Digital Temperature Controller cum PID controller Bod Incubator Digital Temperature   Special PriceGet extra ₹ 30 off (price inclusive of...
Bod incubator used in microbology
The "Bod incubator used in microbology" is an essential tool meticulously designed to cater to the specific needs of microbiology lab work. With its reliability and convenience, this Bod incubator ensures optimal conditions for growing cell cultures, guaranteeing accurate and...
INR 70,932.00 INR 37,932.00
10 Best Bod Incubator in 2024 | Lowest Price Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
The "Bod incubator used in microbology" is an essential tool meticulously designed to cater to the specific needs of microbiology lab work....
bod incubator price
INR 90,818.00 INR 76,818.00
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bod incubator price
bod Incubator PRICE bod incubator price   Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in microbiology laboratories for the applications that include cell culture and fungal growth, BOD...
INR 90,818.00 INR 76,818.00
10 Best Bod Incubator in 2024 | Lowest Price Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
bod Incubator PRICE bod incubator price   Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and...
Bod Incubator Price in India
INR 70,932.00 INR 55,932.00
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Bod Incubator Price in India
Bod Incubator Price in india Bod Incubator Price Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in microbiology laboratories for the applications that include cell culture and fungal...
INR 70,932.00 INR 55,932.00
10 Best Bod Incubator in 2024 | Lowest Price Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
Bod Incubator Price in india Bod Incubator Price Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand...
Bod Chamber (Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand) 455 x 410 x 610mm
Bod Chamber (Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand) 455 x 410 x 610mm Bod Chamber Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in microbiology laboratories for the applications that include cell...
INR 56,887.00 INR 44,887.00
Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
Bod Chamber (Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand) 455 x 410 x 610mm Bod Chamber Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is...
Bod Chamber (Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand) 650 x 580 x 900mm
Bod Chamber (Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand) 650 x 580 x 900mm Bod Chamber r Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in microbiology laboratories for the applications that include...
INR 101,444.00 INR 89,444.00
Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
Bod Chamber (Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand) 650 x 580 x 900mm Bod Chamber r Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD...
BOD Chamber (Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand) 350 x 350 x 400mm
BOD Chamber (Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand) 350 x 350 x 400mm BOD Chamber   Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in microbiology laboratories for the applications that include...
INR 45,355.00 INR 38,355.00
Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
BOD Chamber (Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand) 350 x 350 x 400mm BOD Chamber   Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD...
Bod Chamber (Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand) 505 x 415 x 830mm
Bod Chamber (Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand) 505 x 415 x 830mm Bod Chamber Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in microbiology laboratories for the applications that include cell...
INR 60,672.00 INR 47,672.00
Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
Bod Chamber (Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand) 505 x 415 x 830mm Bod Chamber Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is...
Bod chamber (Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand) 570 x 550 x 875mm
Bod chamber (Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand) 570 x 550 x 875mm Bod chamber (Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand) 570 x 550 x 875mm Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in...
INR 75,596.00 INR 61,596.00
Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
Bod chamber (Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand) 570 x 550 x 875mm Bod chamber (Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand) 570 x 550 x 875mm Model : BOD171...
Bod Incubator
INR 82,738.00 INR 69,738.00
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Bod Incubator
Bod Incubator Bod Incubator Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of B.O.D. INCUBATOR is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in microbiology laboratories for the applications that include cell culture and fungal growth, B.O.D. INCUBATOR,...
INR 82,738.00 INR 69,738.00
10 Best Bod Incubator in 2024 | Lowest Price Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
Bod Incubator Bod Incubator Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of B.O.D. INCUBATOR is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it...
bod incubator price
INR 90,818.00 INR 76,818.00
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bod incubator price
bod incubator price list bod incubator price Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in microbiology laboratories for the applications that include cell culture and fungal growth, BOD...
INR 90,818.00 INR 76,818.00
10 Best Bod Incubator in 2024 | Lowest Price Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
bod incubator price list bod incubator price Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and...
B.O.D. INCUBATOR Price in india
INR 70,932.00 INR 55,932.00
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B.O.D. INCUBATOR Price in india
B.O.D. INCUBATOR Price in india B.O.D. INCUBATOR Price in india Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in microbiology laboratories for the applications that include cell culture and...
INR 70,932.00 INR 55,932.00
Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
B.O.D. INCUBATOR Price in india B.O.D. INCUBATOR Price in india Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen...
bod incubator used in microbiology
bod incubator used in microbiology bod incubator used in microbiology   Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in microbiology laboratories for the applications that include cell culture...
INR 64,000.00 INR 39,000.00
10 Best Bod Incubator in 2024 | Lowest Price ayurvedic drug testing laboratory ayurvedic pharmacy instruments B pharmacy Equipments suppliers Biochemistry lab equipment Biological Lab Equipment Biological Sciences lab Equipment Biology Lab Equipment Biomedical Engineering Lab Equipment Biotechnology lab equipment Biotechnology lab equipment Botany Lab Product D Pharmacy equipment General Laboratory Equipment General Laboratory Equipment Heating & Cooling Products herbal testing laboratory Hospital equipment Kashmir Surgical Works Medical laboratory equipment suppliers Microbiological Diagnostic Equipment Microbiology & Pharmacology Laboratory Equipment Microbiology laboratory equipment mushroom lab Equipment Pathology lab equipment Pharma Analysis Laboratory Equipment Pharma Biology Laboratory Equipment PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT Pharmaceutical Chemistry Lab Equipment Pharmaceutical lab equipment & Research Lab Equipment Pharmaceutics Laboratory Equipment Pharmacognosy Laboratory Equipment Pharmacology lab equipment School And College University equipment School And College University Products Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc Seed Technology Lab Equipment Urology lab equipment Veterinary Sciences Lab Product
bod incubator used in microbiology bod incubator used in microbiology   Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological...
Bod Incubator 250 Liter 10 Cuft
bod Incubator Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in microbiology laboratories for the applications that include cell culture and fungal growth, BOD test, fermentation, crop and physiology...
INR 76,000.00 INR 52,000.00
10 Best Bod Incubator in 2024 | Lowest Price Heating & Cooling Products Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
bod Incubator Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in...
bod incubator controller
BOD incubator controller PRICE Manual Download bod incubator controller SPECIFICATIONS : -    1. DISPLAY TYPE : 16 x 2 Character LCD                       2. STATUS LED’S : OP1 : Control...
INR 6,500.00 INR 2,800.00
10 Best Bod Incubator in 2024 | Lowest Price Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
BOD incubator controller PRICE Manual Download bod incubator controller SPECIFICATIONS : -    1. DISPLAY TYPE : 16 x 2 Character LCD...
bod incubator manufacturer suppliers in Hyderabad
bod incubator manufacturer suppliers in Hyderabad bod incubator manufacturer  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in microbiology laboratories for the applications that include cell culture and fungal growth, BOD test, fermentation, crop...
INR 64,000.00 INR 34,000.00
10 Best Bod Incubator in 2024 | Lowest Price Heating & Cooling Products Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
bod incubator manufacturer suppliers in Hyderabad bod incubator manufacturer  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely...
BOD Incubator Manufacturer Suppliers in Delhi
bod incubator manufacturer suppliers in Delhi BOD Incubator Manufacturer The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in microbiology laboratories for the applications that include cell culture and fungal growth, BOD test, fermentation, crop...
INR 64,000.00 INR 34,000.00
10 Best Bod Incubator in 2024 | Lowest Price Agronomy Lab Equipment ayurvedic drug testing laboratory ayurvedic pharmacy instruments B pharmacy Equipments suppliers Biochemistry lab equipment Biological Lab Equipment Biological Sciences lab Equipment Biomedical Engineering Lab Equipment Biophysics lab equipment Biostatistics Lab Equipment Biotechnology lab equipment Biotechnology lab equipment D Pharmacy equipment Department Of Anatomy Lab Equipment DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOGNOSY Equipment General Laboratory Equipment General Laboratory Equipment Heating & Cooling Products Kashmir Surgical Works Livestock & Production Management Metrological Lab Equipment Microbiological Diagnostic Equipment Microbiology & Pharmacology Laboratory Equipment Microbiology laboratory equipment mushroom lab Equipment Pathology lab equipment Pharma Analysis Laboratory Equipment Pharma Biology Laboratory Equipment PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT Pharmaceutical Chemistry Lab Equipment Pharmaceutical lab equipment & Research Lab Equipment Pharmaceutics Laboratory Equipment Pharmacognosy Laboratory Equipment Pharmacology lab equipment Pharmacy laboratories equipment School And College University equipment School And College University Products Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc Veterinary Sciences Lab Product Zoology Lab Equipment
bod incubator manufacturer suppliers in Delhi BOD Incubator Manufacturer The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely...
BOD Incubator Manufacturer Suppliers in Jaipur
bod incubator manufacturer suppliers in Jaipur BOD Incubator Manufacturer The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in microbiology laboratories for the applications that include cell culture and fungal growth, BOD test, fermentation, crop...
INR 64,000.00 INR 34,000.00
10 Best Bod Incubator in 2024 | Lowest Price Heating & Cooling Products Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
bod incubator manufacturer suppliers in Jaipur BOD Incubator Manufacturer The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely...
BOD Incubator Suppliers in Jaipur
BOD Incubator Suppliers in Jaipur BOD Incubator Suppliers The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in microbiology laboratories for the applications that include cell culture and fungal growth, BOD test, fermentation, crop and...
INR 64,000.00 INR 37,000.00
10 Best Bod Incubator in 2024 | Lowest Price Heating & Cooling Products Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
BOD Incubator Suppliers in Jaipur BOD Incubator Suppliers The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used...
BOD Incubator Suppliers in Chennai
BOD Incubator Suppliers in Chennai BOD Incubator Suppliers    Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand incubator and it is widely used in microbiology laboratories for the applications that include cell culture and fungal...
INR 64,000.00 INR 39,000.00
10 Best Bod Incubator in 2024 | Lowest Price Heating & Cooling Products Kashmir Surgical Works Scifa Laboratory equipment lnc
BOD Incubator Suppliers in Chennai BOD Incubator Suppliers    Model : BOD171 Digital Temp Controller  The full from of BOD Incubator is Biological Oxygen Demand...
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